midnite current

Up Full

Internal Shall wisdom come forth, step forward as man, step forward and clean your place.
Obstacles in the path of RastafarI, remove them set speed ya, remove them by concentration, determination, ehhh. Oh come forth you’re upfull once ye hear ya, ohh stand forward you’re upfull once yehh, focus your resources, focus your internal determinations, you’re upfull once. Oh come forth you’re upfull once Iya oh Jah, oh come forth you’re upfull once stand firm now, oh come forth you’re up full once, hear ya, from ancient founder of invert concept.
Do you know who you internally be, what ran to ya, your heart aspire ya, internal of your directives of your firework, heyy Iya oh Jah. Oh come forward you’re upfull once, stand forth. Stand forward you’re upfull once, bring your keep ya, bring your talents you’re upfull once, stand forward you’re upfull once, heyyy.
So many life diversions, so many destructions, Iya oh Jah. Intern your internal intentions,……………, But if you mean it, and Jah know from internal recognition, that you can try again, heyy. Do it right if you have done it wrong, Iya oh Jah. Come forward you’re upfull once, well you hear ya, step forward determine you’re upfull once, bring your talents and bring your specific versions, you’re upfull once Iya oh Jah. Bring your internal life essence oh Yah, bring upfullness, bring upfull rights, to relead out of mislead, ina world of truth and right. Oh come forth you’re upfull once, oh come forward you’re upfull once, step forth ya, oh step forward you’re upfull once, heyyy. Come forward from inversion, Come forward, externalize your interpretations, you’re full once, you’re full once. Make this thing, be too fault from your to heat internal, and commercial, you’re up full once, ………aloneee; Oh step forward you’re upfull once, come forward you’re upfull once from relic Earth current ina the Earth ya, Inify power. Oh come forward you’re upfull once, oh step forth you’re upfull once, HAILE SELASSIE I, RastafarI ah call ya. Come forward you’re upfull once. Teach the Earth this obstructor, teach the Earth below to rain, internal precepts from lasting for ever. Oh come forward you’re upfull once, if you hear ya

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